Well, well, well,
A few Tattle-Parent messages, a few seat changes, and miracles can occur.
My freshmen are behaving significantly better, though there are still going to be challenges based more on maturity level than anything else now. We're actually getting some things done, and it feels more like a class where we're all invested. I've never had a class that took this much time to settle in. Or maybe I've just forgotten…
Even the Blurter seems to take my admonishments not to call out with the understanding that he's receiving grace, not judgment, which I hope makes him willing to work w/ me on improving his behavior. And I know what that means: patiently travel the long, slow road to maturity by his side. Eh, I've done it plenty of times before, so I can do it again.
I hope they like Lord of the Flies: they seems to understand it implicitly, already. :)