Wednesday, June 06, 2007

To Each His Own Kingdom

Another teacher uses my classroom during my conference period. Nice guy.

The class is comprised of seniors. and the combination of they thinking they are above the rules and this teacher's very lenient teaching style means kids act in ways that I would never allow if I were the teacher, including:
  • eating food/drinking sodas openly in the class
  • asking and getting permission expressly for the purpose of walking to the vending machines to buy the food/sodas
  • bringing out cell phones/sidekicks for a quick e-mail check, text message, or whatever they're doing
  • sitting on desktops
  • the free use of vulgar language
  • loud carrying-on of various description
During this hour, it's not my class, so it's a professional courtesy to ignore it and let the teacher conduct this class as he sees fit. I could schlep off to the teacher's lounge with papers to mark, and that would probably be more productive, but I find that most of the time I need to be at my desk with my resources around me to plan, etc.

I've given up my room three years running, and it's wearing thin. I'm going to request that they skip me next year, and find someone else's room to use during that period. Sad that we even have to have traveling teachers in the first place, and I'm sympathetic to the roamers, but fer cryin' out loud, let's share the burden.

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