Monday, November 13, 2006

Past Burned

I'm here after school, sitting at my desk, just staring into space. I turned in quarter grades today. Over the three day Veteran's Day weekend, I must have read hundreds of thousands of words, scoring book projects, character diaries, and assorted papers, camped out in a coffee shop to get away from the distractions at home.

Now I'm brain-dead. Can't hold a single thought. And tired, because all the caffein I consumed both stole sleep and put a strain on my nervous system. I'm supposed to start a Shakespeare play with my sophomores, but I just don't have the energy, so I'll put it off for a week while I recuperate.

I gave up a three-day weekend on the yacht (with some great wind) to grade papers, so I'm pouting a bit about that, too.

After a weekend like that, I need a break from my work.



Anonymous said...

Read and delete

Sheesh! A teacher with a sailboat and a sense of humour. Sooner or later you'll be rid of one of them.

I'd like to email your page to a teacher or two but I find no 'Mail this page' icon. I'm sure that's a blogger option so why not take advantage?

White text on a black background I find disturbing. Black text on a white background is blinding. I just run the brightness down on the monitor. Red text on black is atrocious.

You can write. But you're not getting any comments so that probably means you don't have a lot of readers. It isn't you, it's the colors. There aren't a lot of books published white on black for a reason.

Teachers need all the help they can get. Damn those lazy parents.

Delete me

Mr. Coulter said...

Thanks, Anon, for the compliments sprinkled in there.

I'm doing this more for the mental floss than any other reason; not actually looking for an audience, but it's nice to have someone drop by once in a while.

Every drama teacher is a frustrated actor, and every English teacher is a frustrated writer.

Backgrounds change. The words remain the same.