Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No News is Good News

I've been without the TV for nearly a month, and I'm still alive. Sleeping well. More work done in the evenings. More alert at work. All is good.

Psychologically, I'm okay (some people might disagree, but I'm just talking about the television here). Sometimes I think of shows I miss, mostly when students who are around me talk about television. But it's pretty easy to forget, actually.

You wanted me to go through withdrawls, didn't you? You wanted me to moan and groan about what was happening on Lost, or 24. But I really don't care.

You really wanted me to break down and have the set repaired, or better yet, to replace it with a big screen, flat panel vondermachine, so that you could justify your addiction by seeing me cave in.

Well, think again. I'm made of sterner stuff.

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