Wednesday, June 06, 2007

To Every Thing, Turn, Turn, Turn…

It's the time of year when everyone's frustration level is high, so if the tenor of my posts gets a little cranky, please bear with me. When you look here, you're looking inside my head, after all, and sometimes it just aint' pretty.

1 comment:

Larry the Carpenter said...

Hey Mr. Coulter,
Thank you for your comments on my Blog! I can't tell you how glad my wife and I are that our girls have you as their teacher and mentor. The girls talk about you all the time and believe me that is a huge compliment. I feel like I don't have to worry as much when the girls are at school because I know they always have you to turn to.
p.s. I am setting a goal for myself to do at least two blogs a week (lets see how that turns out!)