I wanted to join other Catalina owners over at the Catalina Island Isthmus at the Catalina Rendezvous, but I was exhausted after having been sick, I had papers and serious laundry to do, and the forecast was for rain. I'd have had to bring my dirty laundry to the island with me and wash it in the laundromat while I sat on the patio and graded papers, and watched everyone else have fun. Tempting, but not my idea of satisfying multi-tasking. And it was quite possible I'd have had to cross the channel in the rain, as well. It's California, and I don't have any proper foul-weather gear, just an old jacket. So Prudence whispered in my ear, and I stayed home and slept.
A daysail tomorrow, without fail, even if I have to motor around the bay for lack of wind.
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