Only a few teachers took "stacks" (how many papers in s stack, who knows?) from the district office.
The district, stuck with thousands of essays, enlisted the principal and assistant principal to score the papers. So instead of seven or eight people, it was to be done by two. They (our two administrators) sent out an e-mail plea for help to us again, offering food and sodas in the library after school to any hapless teacher who wold come in to help them. I don't think there was much of a response.
How long it took them to score all those esays, only they know. The district office shows no sign of changing its stance, and so far, there's been no other communication to teachers: the only information we have is from anecdotes of frosty conversations between district office people and teachers who were up there for whatever reason.
We, on the other hand, are drafting a letter to our superiors, expressing our dismay and displeasure at both the manner in which this valuable task was changed without input from us front-line professionals, and some constructive suggestions about future tinkering with things like this. I don't know the actual contents, but they fall along those lines. All very professional, very respectful.
I'll keep ya's posted…
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