Friday, October 05, 2007

Frother, Spoon & Holy Grind

It's a Grind has me again: hanging out with some time to kill before the football game.

The free wi-fi is great, but I just spent four bucks for an ice-blended mocha (that last sentence is so California). And it's a grande, fer cryin' out loud. Four bucks!

But it's not even a "grande." IaG doesn't speak Italian, so there's no tall, grande, venti. I kind of liked that. I felt knowledgeable, ordering that way. Very Gnostic: a religion with secret knowledge that lets you pass on to the higher levels. Makes me feel superior to know tall, grande, venti. It's a mantra. Say it with me: tall, grande, venti. Tall, grande, venti

But here, it's small/medium/large. How Mc-freaking-Donald's of them. There's no magic there. Anyone can do that, and so I'm not special anymore. Sigh.

I wonder if they use baristas (that's Starbuckese for "priest") behind the counter, or if they are simply servers…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, so what you do, is you order starbucks, then you go to It's a Grind and use their internet. but to keep them off your case about drinking starbucks, you just wrap one of their napkins around your starbucks cup and vois-la! you have a grande caramel frappaccino in disguise as a medium iced caramel ...something. haha.
yes, I know. I'm oh-so-smart and wise!
Sara Gaudy