Eighteen months old. She lined up five pieces of cereal on the table the other day and counted them off, from one to five. She can sing the ABC song, and uses all twenty-six letters. She has blown right by the two-word stage of language acquisition and is in the telegraphic stage already, making utterances such as "Mommy car now." This is at least six months ahead of schedule.
Oh, and to thrill her English-teacher uncle's heart: she's in love with books.
She's a freakin' genius, I swear. And that just ain't proud uncle talking. I gots data.
I know what you mean!! My niece just turned two and she's so interested in books. She'll sit on my lap as I read to her. Once we're done, she'll bring another book. I read somewhere that it was concluded that toddlers weren't as smart as once thought. I disagree. I may be biased, but my niece is super duper smart!
I, biased? Nonsense! I've had enough linguistics courses to see the handwriting on the wall, so to speak.
Of course, these types of things vary considerably ain toddlers nd will likely even out over time, but I'm still thrilled to see her get going on the whole literacy thing. I see what advantages it carries, and I see also that kids have very different innate abilities in this area. The idea that she won't struggle with the readin' & writin' (judging from these early signs) brings me a sense of relief, if nothing else.
I always suspected Maddy would be hyper-literate because of the funny, astute things she would say, even as a baby. This baby niece has the look of a girl whose face is being kissed 100 times a day or more, who is listened to, held and sung to, spoken to...she looks centered and delighted to be in her little blue booster seat. She will reveal herself, bit by bit. When I look at baby pictures of Maddy, I try to see the mad chemist she would become. I never would have guessed at the time that the periodic table would be such poetry to her.
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